9/7 RBC Granfondo Whistler 2019
9/7 RBC Granfondo Whistler 2019
It was a wonderful event that everyone was able to finish safely and challenged themselves!
9/3 Whistler Secondary School 1st Day 2019.
9/3 Whistler Secondary School 1st Day.
Two new junior students entered Whistler Secondary School.

7/24 ESL Program students taking Summer Lect...
ESL Program students taking Summer Lecture and any activities during Summer Holiday Season.
Some of them will go to Whistler Secondary School and Snow Profession...
May 8  18/19 Entrance Ceremony
CSBA 18/19 entrance ceremony was held today.

11/17  Whistler mountain opening day
Whistler mountain opened on November 17th.

10/26 Whistler Secondary School, Sho Tatsuzu...
Sho Tatsuzuki, CSBA Junior Athlete and Whistler Secondary School Grade 12, Enjoining School Life "Foody"
CSBA ジュニアアスリート生でウィスラー高校...